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Family Record: Henry the LION x Matilda PLANTAGENET

Family Record: Henry the LION x Matilda PLANTAGENET - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
1129 Birth1 Spouse Event [Husband] Place Ravensburg, Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
1156 Birth Spouse Event [Wife] Place Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England
02/01/1168 Marriage2 Event Place Minden, Minden-Lubbecke, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
06/28/1189 Death2 Spouse Event [Wife]
08/06/1195 Death1 Spouse Event [Husband] Place Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany
Burial2 Spouse Event [Wife] Place Lower Saxony, Germany
Title2 Spouse Attribute [Husband] Duke of Saxony and Bavaria
Burial1 Spouse Event [Husband] Place Brunswick Cathedral, Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany
Title2 Spouse Attribute [Wife] Duchess of Saxony


1. Title Wikipedia; Publication Facts Name: Wikipedia;; Page Henry the Lion Hearted (1129-1195); [Source Record]
2. Title Wikipedia; Publication Facts Name: Wikipedia;; Page Matilda Plantagenet (11??-1189); [Source Record]

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