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Family Record: William Watson MASTEN x Unknown

Family Record: William Watson MASTEN x Unknown - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
03/20/1899 Birth1 Spouse Event [Husband]
12/31/1961 Death1 Spouse Event [Husband] Place Dover, Kent, Delaware, USA
Cause Rectal Cancer
01/03/1962 Burial Spouse Event [Husband] Place Dover, Kent, Delaware, USA
Social Security Number1 Spouse Attribute [Husband] 222-10-4005
Occupation1 Spouse Attribute [Husband] Main Yard Worker for State Highway Department


a. Delaware, USA. DEATH Certificates.


1. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Masten, William Watson (1899-1961); Text; [Source Record]

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Web page generated using a registered copy of GedScape software (, licensed to Rob Masten