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Family Record: John L. MASTEN x Lydia Ann WYATT

Family Record: John L. MASTEN x Lydia Ann WYATT - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
05/1830 Birth1, 2, 3 Spouse Event [Wife] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
03/1831 Birth2 Spouse Event [Husband] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
06/17/1854 Marriage Event Place Sussex, Delaware, USA
01/1855 Birth2, 3 Child Event [William MASTEN] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
01/1855 Son This Family William MASTEN b. 01/1855
About 1856 Son This Family Henry MASTEN b. About 1856 d. 12/17/1914
About 1856 Birth2, 4 Child Event [Henry MASTEN] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
01/16/1858 Birth5 Child Event [Eliza Ann MASTEN] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
01/16/1858 Daughter This Family Eliza Ann MASTEN b. 01/16/1858 d. 03/26/1935
02/08/1860 Daughter This Family Litichia MASTEN b. 02/08/1860 d. 10/26/1930
02/08/1860 Birth6 Child Event [Litichia MASTEN]
About 1864 Son This Family Major MASTEN b. About 1864 d. Before 12/26/1923
About 1864 Birth2 Child Event [Major MASTEN] Place Delaware, USA
04/20/1865 Son This Family Robert MASTEN b. 04/20/1865 d. 11/24/1935
04/20/1865 Birth2, 7 Child Event [Robert MASTEN] Place Delaware, USA
1869 Birth2 Child Event [Hannah MASTEN] Place Delaware, USA
1869 Daughter This Family Hannah MASTEN b. 1869
1870 Other Event2 Event CENSUS 1870
Type Address After Marriage
Place Mispillion Hundred, Kent, Delaware, USA
10/1871 Son This Family Samuel G MASTEN b. 10/1871 d. 07/12/1918
10/1871 Birth2, 3 Child Event [Samuel G MASTEN] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
03/1872 Birth Child Event [John MASTEN] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
03/1872 Son This Family John MASTEN b. 03/1872
Before 1912 Death1 Spouse Event [Husband] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
05/10/1912 Death1 Spouse Event [Wife] Place Kent, Delaware, USA
12/17/1914 Death4 Child Event [Henry MASTEN] Place Dover, Kent, Delaware, USA
07/12/1918 Death8 Child Event [Samuel G MASTEN] Place Dover, Kent, Delaware, USA
07/14/1918 Burial8 Child Event [Samuel G MASTEN] Place Hollyword Cemetary, Harrington, Kent, Delaware, USA
Before 12/26/1923 Death9 Child Event [Major MASTEN]
10/26/1930 Death6 Child Event [Litichia MASTEN] Place Farmington, Kent, Delaware, USA
10/29/1930 Burial6 Child Event [Litichia MASTEN] Place Hollyword Cemetary, Harrington, Kent, Delaware, USA
03/1935 Burial Child Event [Eliza Ann MASTEN] Place Hollyword Cemetary, Harrington, Kent, Delaware, USA
03/26/1935 Death5 Child Event [Eliza Ann MASTEN] Place Harrington, Kent, Delaware, USA
11/24/1935 Death7 Child Event [Robert MASTEN] Place Smyrna, Kent, Delaware, USA
11/27/1935 Burial7 Child Event [Robert MASTEN] Place Laurel, Sussex, Delaware, USA


a. Delaware, USA. DEATH Certificates.
b. 1870 census of USA. Delaware. Kent. Digital images.
c. 1900 census of USA. Delaware. Kent. Digital images.


1. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Wyatt, Lydia Ann (1830-1912); Text; [Source Record]
2. Title 1870 Census of USA, Delaware, Kent; Online Imagesb; Page Harrington and Mispillion Hundred - Page 18; Text; [Source Record]
3. Title 1900 Census of USA, Delaware, Kent; Online Imagesc; Page Mispillion Hundred - Page 15a; Text; [Source Record]
4. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Masten, Henry (1856-1914); Text; [Source Record]
5. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Legates, Eliza Ann (1858-1935); Text; [Source Record]
6. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Masten, Litichia (1860-1930); Text; [Source Record]
7. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Masten, Robert (1865-1935); Text; [Source Record]
8. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Masten, Samuel G (1869-1918); Text; [Source Record]
9. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesa; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Salmons, Arminta (1859-1923); Text; [Source Record]

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Web page generated using a registered copy of GedScape software (, licensed to Rob Masten