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Frances Litsinger ENNIS b. 07/16/1906 d. 01/26/1989

Frances Litsinger ENNIS b. 07/16/1906 d. 01/26/1989 - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
07/16/1906 Birth Event Place Georgetown, Sussex, Delaware, USA
01/30/1907 Birth Spouse Event [Spouse] Place Townsend, New Castle, Delaware, USA
06/30/1929 Marriage Family Event As Spouse [Family] Place Georgetown, Sussex, Delaware, USA
06/23/1960 Death Spouse Event [Spouse] Place Georgetown, Sussex, Delaware, USA
01/26/1989 Death Event Place Georgetown, Sussex, Delaware, USA
? Son Mother [Family] Charles E GRAVES
? Daughter Mother [Family] Virginia L GRAVES
? Son Mother [Family] William E GRAVES
? Son Mother [Family] Ralph GRAVES

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