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Alfred GREEN b. 01/01/1837 d. 03/25/1916

Alfred GREEN b. 01/01/1837 d. 03/25/1916 - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
01/01/1837 Birth1, 2, 3, 4 Event Place Trenton, Burlington, New Jersey, USA
06/24/1837 Birth1, 2, 4, 5 Spouse Event [Spouse] Place Georgetown, Sussex, Delaware, USA
07/06/1863 Son Father [Family] William H. GREEN b. 07/06/1863 d. 01/11/1935
07/06/1863 Birth1, 4 Child Event As Father [William H. GREEN] Place Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
About 1866 Daughter Father [Family] Elizabeth A GREEN b. About 1866
About 1866 Birth1 Child Event As Father [Elizabeth A GREEN] Place Delaware, USA
03/08/1868 Son Father [Family] George E. GREEN b. 03/08/1868 d. 03/16/1881
03/08/1868 Birth1, 2 Child Event As Father [George E. GREEN] Place Delaware, USA
05/24/1870 Daughter Father [Family] Jennie E. GREEN b. 05/24/1870 d. 02/02/1931
05/24/1870 Birth1, 6 Child Event As Father [Jennie E. GREEN] Place Delaware, USA
10/1872 Daughtera Father [Family] Frances Holden GREEN b. 10/1872 d. 02/27/1957
10/1872 Birth7 Child Event As Father [Frances Holden GREEN] Place Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
01/11/1875 Son Father [Family] Harry Ephraim GREEN b. 01/11/1875 d. 06/19/1950
01/11/1875 Birth8 Child Event As Father [Harry Ephraim GREEN]
03/16/1881 Death2 Child Event As Father [George E. GREEN]
03/25/1916 Death2, 3 Event Place Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, USA
03/27/1916 Burial2, 3 Event Place Forest Presbyterian Church Cemetary, Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
02/28/1924 Death2, 5 Spouse Event [Spouse] Place Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
03/02/1924 Burial2, 5 Spouse Event [Spouse] Place Forest Presbyterian Church Cemetary, Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
02/02/1931 Death6 Child Event As Father [Jennie E. GREEN] Place Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, USA
Cause Cardiac Dilation
02/05/1931 Burial6 Child Event As Father [Jennie E. GREEN] Place Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
01/11/1935 Death4 Child Event As Father [William H. GREEN] Place Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, USA
Cause Bronchopneumonia
01/14/1935 Burial4 Child Event As Father [William H. GREEN] Place Forest Presbyterian Church Cemetary, Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
06/19/1950 Death8 Child Event As Father [Harry Ephraim GREEN] Place Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
02/27/1957 Death7 Child Event As Father [Frances Holden GREEN] Place Lewes, Sussex, Delaware, USA
03/02/1957 Burial7 Child Event As Father [Frances Holden GREEN] Place Townsend Cemetery, Townsend, New Castle, Delaware, USA
Burial2 Child Event As Father [George E. GREEN] Place Forest Presbyterian Church Cemetary, Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA
Occupation4 Child Attribute As Father [William H. GREEN] Stone Mason


a.; [Note Record]
b. 1870 census of USA. Delaware. New Castle. Digital images.
c. Forest Presbyterian Church Cemetary (Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA). Grave markers.
d. Delaware, USA. DEATH Certificates.


1. Title 1870 Census of USA, Delaware, New Castle; Online Imagesb; Page Middletown - Page 8; Text; [Source Record]
2. Title Forest Presbyterian Church Cemetary (Middletown, New Castle, Delaware, USA), Grave Markersc; Page Green, Alfred (1837-1916); Text; [Source Record]
3. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesd; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Green, Alfred (1837-1916); Text; [Source Record]
4. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesd; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Green, William H (1863-1935); Text; [Source Record]
5. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesd; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Torbert, Mary Lucinda (1837-1924); Text; [Source Record]
6. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesd; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Green, Jennie E (1870-1931); Text; [Source Record]
7. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesd; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Green, Frances Holden (1873-1957); Text; [Source Record]
8. Title Delaware, USA, DEATH Certificatesd; Source Repository Citation, Repository [Repository]; Page Green, Harry Ephraim (1875-1950); Text; [Source Record]

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